主要从事催化剂设计、制备与应用的研究,在J. Catal., Green. Chem., ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.等期刊发表学术论文10余篇,其中一作/共一论文7篇;授权专利4项;发表会议墙报1 篇。
(1)Feiying, Tang; Liqiang, Wang*; Maru, Dessie Walle; Abdulhadi, Mustapha; You-Nian, Liu*;An alloy chemistry strategy to tailoring the d-band center of Ni by Cu for efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation of furfural,Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 383: 172-180.
(2)Feiying, Tang; Liqiang, Wang*; You-Nian, Liu*;Biomass-derived N-doped porous carbon: an efficient metal-free catalyst for methylation of amines with CO2,Green Chemistry, 2019, 21(23): 6252-6257.
(3) Guangji, Zhang#;Feiying, Tang#; Xiaoying, Wang; Ping, An; Liqiang, Wang*; You-Nian, Liu*;Co,N-Codoped Porous Carbon-Supported CoyZnS with Superior Activity for Nitroarene Hydrogenation,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(15): 6118-6126.
(4)Feiying, Tang; Liqiang, Wang*; Guangji, Zhang; Min, Zhang; You-Nian, Liu*;Creating Coordination Mismatch in MOFs: Tuning from Pore Structure of the Derived Supported Catalysts to Their Catalytic Performance,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(14): 5543-5551.
(5)Feiying, Tang; Liqiang, Wang*; Ling, Ma; Yin, Fang; Jianhan, Huang; You-Nian, Liu*; Protein-Zn(II) networks derived N-doped porous carbon-supported ZnS for photothermally catalytic CO2 conversion,Journal of CO2Utilization, 2021, 45(101431): 1-8.
1. 刘又年;唐飞鹰;臧启光 ;邓留; 李娟; 一种以硫代巴比妥酸衍生物为探针分子检测仲胺的方法及其制备. 专利号:ZL 201510013193.9
2. 刘又年;唐飞鹰; 刘颖; 王立强; 侯佳楠; 邓留; 一种光致变色分子及其制备方法和应用. 专利号:ZL 201610101191.X
3. 刘又年;唐飞鹰; 侯佳楠; 梁凯新; 邓留; 多孔有机聚合物及其担载金纳米颗粒的固体催化剂;以及制备和应用. 专利号:ZL 201711498177.9
4. 刘又年;唐飞鹰; 侯佳楠; 梁凯新; 黄健涵; 一种多级孔聚合物、制备和在吸附和/或转化二氧化碳中的应用. 专利号:ZL201711498186.8